Speeding Tickets

Three Easy Steps to Fighting a Speeding Ticket In Northern Virginia

By |2012-02-29T16:52:50+00:00February 29th, 2012|Personal Injury, Reckless Driving in Virginia, Speeding Tickets|

Unlike reckless driving or driving on a suspended license, a speeding ticket is not considered a criminal charge. However, a conviction for speeding can have long-lasting and expensive consequences, such as increased insurance rates or even license suspension.

There are several technical defense issues involved with fighting a speeding ticket in Virginia, ranging from radar and speedometer calibrations to police officer pacing. An experienced traffic attorney will be able to help you in those areas. But what can you do on your own to minimize the impact of a speeding ticket?

Keep reading to learn more about how to fight a speeding ticket in Virginia and what a traffic lawyer can do for you.

What Is A Civil / Traffic Infraction?

By |2011-04-01T22:00:44+00:00April 1st, 2011|Personal Injury, Speeding Tickets, Traffic Tickets|

Civil/traffic infractions are minor offenses that result in a fine and/or other penalties but no jail sentence. They are not criminal in nature. These include most traffic violations, refusal of a blood-alcohol breath test, and others. Despite the lack of potential for jail, these infractions should not be taken lightly. Other consequences, such as license suspension, can have a significant impact on your life.

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