
What Are The Penalties for Possession in Virginia?

By |2020-07-24T15:00:03+00:00August 7th, 2012|Criminal Law, Drug-Crimes|

Have you recently been charged with a drug crime? Are you wondering about the penalties for possession in Virginia?

This article provides information on the penalties for unlawful possession of a controlled substance. Read on to learn the charges you could be facing and how experienced drug crime lawyers can protect your rights.

Is it possible to get my record expunged?

By |2011-04-01T22:04:48+00:00April 1st, 2011|Criminal Law, Drug-Crimes, Marijuana|

Under Virginia law, an expungement petition generally will be considered if a person was charged with a criminal offense and he or she was either (i) acquitted or (ii) the case was dismissed or nolle prosequied. The proceeding takes place in Circuit Court, and the Commonwealth Attorney acts as a defendant in the case.

I’ve Been Charged With A Crime. Now what?

By |2010-12-18T16:27:30+00:00December 18th, 2010|Criminal Law, Drug-Crimes|

A defense attorney can limit the many uncertainties facing someone charged with a crime. Working within the criminal justice system is a complex process. To best protect your interests, you should consult with an effective advocate who understands criminal investigation, negotiation techniques, and how to develop strategies for use inside and outside of the courtroom.

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