


What Constitutes A Sex Crime In Virginia?

By |July 19th, 2012|

The state of Virginia has very clear definitions on what constitutes a sex crime, with differing levels of severity for each type of sex crime.

Read below to learn some of the types of sex crimes you can be convicted for in Virginia, sex crimes penalties, and how those charged with a sexual offense can seek the help of a sex crimes lawyer.

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Charged With Sexual Assault Crimes in Virginia? Here’s What To Expect

By |July 2nd, 2012|

If you have been charged with sexual assault crimes in Virginia, the first thing to know is that the commonwealth of Virginia does not take these offenses lightly. Sex crimes are considered especially heinous under Virginia law, and offenders are subject to severe penalties.

However, the public nature of sex crime cases in Virginia makes the experience of being prosecuted even more harrowing for sex crime defendants.

Keep reading to learn what to expect if you are charged with sexual assault crimes in Virginia.

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Driving While Intoxicated Virginia Attorneys: 4 Things To Know

By |February 29th, 2012|

Have you been charged with drunk driving in Virginia? When you get charged with a DUI you'll need a good driving while intoxicated Virginia lawyer.

Keep reading for 4 things you ought to know when selecting an attorney for driving while intoxicated.

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Three Easy Steps to Fighting a Speeding Ticket In Northern Virginia

By |February 29th, 2012|

Unlike reckless driving or driving on a suspended license, a speeding ticket is not considered a criminal charge. However, a conviction for speeding can have long-lasting and expensive consequences, such as increased insurance rates or even license suspension.

There are several technical defense issues involved with fighting a speeding ticket in Virginia, ranging from radar and speedometer calibrations to police officer pacing. An experienced traffic attorney will be able to help you in those areas. But what can you do on your own to minimize the impact of a speeding ticket?

Keep reading to learn more about how to fight a speeding ticket in Virginia and what a traffic lawyer can do for you.

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What Is The Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce

By |January 5th, 2012|

If you’re at the point in your marriage that you’re considering taking some time off from your spouse in a separation, you may be wondering “What is the difference between legal separation and divorce?”

First, a caveat: this article should in no way be considered legal advice. You will need to speak to a divorce/family lawyer in person in order to receive accurate, up-to-date information and help regarding divorce laws for Virginia residents.

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John Doe

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent lectus dolor, aliquet sed maximus et, vestibulum pulvinar leo. Vivamus varius pretium fermentum.”

Jane Doe

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent lectus dolor, aliquet sed maximus et, vestibulum pulvinar leo. Vivamus varius pretium fermentum.”

John Smith

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent lectus dolor, aliquet sed maximus et, vestibulum pulvinar leo. Vivamus varius pretium fermentum.”

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